Barbara Yandell has served global missions through mobilizing, training, seminars, classes, outreaches, and conferences for 25 years. She sees her calling as teaching, creating missions mobilization events, seminars, and outreaches, and encouraging and mentoring colleagues, students, and cross-cultural workers.

Dr. Barbara Yandell Ministries or Hope for the Nations is a missions training and mobilization ministry. Barbara Yandell is an experienced global and local trainer and speaker on global missions, specifically Muslim Ministry.
Mission Partners
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A community of Reformed congregations built for the 21st Century.

Billions of people don’t know Jesus. We help to equip the global church to reach them, especially in the Muslim world.

Since 1974, more than 80,000 believers in North America and 20,000 more around the world have taken the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course.

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We help people use their professional skills as followers of Jesus among the peoples of Asia and the Arab World.
Contact Barbara Yandell
Round Rock, TX
Holland, MI