Missions Classes

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
A 15-week accredited foundational missions course. This includes coordinating classes, training new leaders, and teaching Perspectives lessons in hundreds of classes globally and nationally. This course is about
equipping, resourcing, and mobilizing churches, seminaries, missions organizations, college campuses, home school students, and individuals to engage the nations and neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is offered for enrichment, undergrad, or grad credit at multiple sites every fall and winter.
( link)
Engage Course
A 10-week course of training and active outreach created to be taught in any setting and by anyone. Adaptable for churches, small groups, outreach teams, or campus organizations. The format can be ten weeks with the Engage book, speakers, a personal outreach project, or a weekend intensive model. A complete, professionally designed promotional portfolio accompanies the material. This portfolio of resources includes postcards and letter invites, posters, PowerPoint slides, sample syllabi, project
guidelines, lesson plans, and a detailed format for a local church or missions organization offering the Course.
Barbara designed the course and the Engage curriculum and book from the best teachings and practitioners she had taught with over 20 years. This was her Doctoral project. Engage has been translated into various languages and taught globally.
Classes and Seminars
Adult education classes in churches and for training volunteers Muslim
refugee centers and campus outreaches.